Build User Libraries

(c) by Jens-Oliver Siepmann, 2005

The Software may be freely distributed and modified as long as this copyright information remain in place. No warrany will be granted in any case.


Scan a directory hierarchy for zip files. Scan  the zip files for jar (binary), java (source) and package-list (javadoc). Group and automatically analyze the information in order to create user library entries with source code and javadoc references for Eclipse JDT. 

Useful for mass library imports such like the Apache commons-* libraries.


Eclipse update site: select de.wfn.builduserlibs_0.1.1

or extract to the eclispse home directory.


Select "Import" from the Navigator or Package View.
From the list of import features select "User Libraries"
Specify under "Location of ZIP files" the directory where the zip files are stored which contains the libraries which your want to import. 

The directory which you specify under "Location of target directory for user libraries" will receive all the proceed zip files and the unpacked jar files which are selected later on for importation.

Now the directory specified under "Location of ZIP files" is scanned and the found zip files are analyzed for contained jar, java and package-list files.
The List shows the future user libraries which the zip files form which they are build. From the zip file names certain patterns are delete. The resulting name forms the user library name. In such a way zip files are grouped. (Mainly to group Apache Commons library zip files.) The file, included in the plugin jar defines the patterns to be deleted from the zip file names.

Now you may move zip files from one user library to another. This will result in change of the information shown under the "Jars" entry.

The "Jars" entry list all jar files contributed by the zip files to the user library. The example shows three jar files, which are stored in the "" file. Only the "commons-attributes-api-2.1.jar" has source code and javadoc which is included in both zip files.  

User library can by excluded from the import process by toggling their activation. 

Renaming and insertion of new user libraries are not supported because of the easy handling of creating a single user library entry of the Eclipse JDT.


Errors, comments and hints are appreciated.  de gmx jop_s (Pls use the reverse order as email address.)